finding david

“David plunged downward, unable to process the whirling blur of rock and sky. He came to a juddering halt, wedged between the canyon wall and a boulder that was as tall as him. David groaned as he glanced down. Several metres below him, the water-swept floor of the cavern glistened in the dark. If he slipped, he would plummet headfirst onto the unforgiving rock. David felt himself slipping and tried to brace himself, as searing pain spread through his left shoulder.”

Things were looking up for David – his family was back together, he had great friends and a new, beautiful girl was on the scene. But all of that was about to change. At home, school and in the wilds of a deep canyon, David comes face-to-face with life’s biggest challenges and quickly learns that real success and happiness don’t always come easy.

David’s Triumph is a story of love, loss, making decisions and finding the strength to carry on.

“I couldn’t wait to tell my friends how good it is and that they should start reading it.” — Tyler, age 13


David is an ordinary high-schooler who loves surfing, mountain-biking and outdoor adventures of all kinds.

But, between his family, friends and faith, he also confronts many of the usual and sometimes difficult choices and challenges.

These fast-paced stories capture our imagination, help us think about our own choices, and start important conversations with our family and friends about resilience and what matters most.

“As soon as he got on the bus, David knew the students at the back were talking about him!”

With his family falling apart, moving to a new area brings challenges and opportunities, particularly great surf and a nearby forest seemingly made for mountain biking. With new friends, David confronts his own fears, as well as the tasks of forgiving and connecting.

Finding David is a story of relationships, family, friends and taking risks for them all.

Caught in a fire storm while hiking, David is forced to run for his life. Then, high on a deadly cliff, he must find a way to save a schoolmate from a terrifying fall. As they recover from their ordeal, David and his friends face challenges and choices. But David’s most important task is finding something better than revenge.

David’s Revenge is a story friendship, choices, perseverance and hope.

Things were looking up for David — his family was back together, he had great friends and a new beautiful girl was on the scene. But all of that was about to change. At home, school and in the wilds of a deep canyon, David comes face-to-face with life’s biggest challenges and quickly learns that real success and happiness don’t always come easy.

David’s Triumph is a story of love, loss, making decisions and finding the strength to carry on.


Hi! Thanks for checking out David’s Triumph, David’s Revenge and Finding David. You probably don’t want to know all the boring stuff about me so I’ll just give you some of the juicy bits.

Would you believe that I failed grade one and had to repeat? Even that didn’t help much and I’m stil realy bad at spellin!

My maths teacher told me in year 12 that I wouldn’t ever amount to anything. In fairness to him, I was lying on the floor at the time, with the whole class laughing at me because I fell over a desk and made a fool of myself.

At college, I probably should have been awarded a degree in surfing, fishing and making friends — wow, that was so much fun!

Now I have a fantastic wife who keeps me humble, three kids who love to play jokes on me, and a dog that eats everything from garden hoses to phone lines and Nike shoes.

I lecture in International Development Studies for students who want to help refugees and people living in poverty. So many people don’t like their work but mine would have to be one of the best jobs around.

I still really like surfing, but the biggest blast of all is writing books like the “Finding David” series. This might sound strange but when I write I feel like I’m somewhere I belong! David is like all of us. We all have struggles. We can all have courage, too.

If you would like to get in touch, you can email me directly at brad.watson@avondale

  — Brad Watson

other stuff

Finding David teacher resources
Interview with Brad